Julia Ockert
Julia Ockert is a full-time artist based in Canberra, Australia who specializes in watercolor and oil pastel artworks. One of Julia's passions is experimenting with different art mediums, which has helped her develop a versatile style.
Julia's works explore playful and nostalgic subjects; ranging from still life's to interior scenes from the '70s. Julia's attention to detail and interest in light and shadows are evident in each of her works.
Through her art, Julia aims to capture the beauty of stillness and to encourage a sense of wistfulness and comfort in her viewers. Art is not just a creative outlet for Julia, but is also a means to connect with and inspire others.

Julia Ockert Artworks

Morning Coffee Poster
From 199 kr

Vintage Pink Bathroom Poster
From 199 kr

Looking Back Poster
From 199 kr

Cherry Bomb Poster
From 199 kr

Pink Wattle Poster
From 199 kr

Bengal Midnight Cat Poster
From 199 kr

Figs Poster
From 199 kr

Autumn Still Life Poster
From 199 kr

Young Woman Portrait Poster
From 199 kr

The Pool Table Poster
From 199 kr

Peaches Poster
From 199 kr

Mandarin's Poster
From 199 kr

Pretty Pair of Pears Poster
From 199 kr

Avocado Poster
From 199 kr

Window Seats Poster
From 199 kr

Vintage Ferrari Poster
From 199 kr

Let's Play Ping Pong Poster
From 199 kr

Retro Green Scotch Poster
From 199 kr

Unwinding In Splendor Poster
From 199 kr

Tomatoes Poster
399 kr

Pink Peonies Poster
From 199 kr

Nasa Space Shuttle Poster
From 199 kr

Afternoon Café Poster
From 199 kr

Summer Cherry Sour Cocktail Poster
From 199 kr